Sunday, 28 December 2014

Blue Wrens

Monday, 15 December 2014

The Hay Shed

This is a step by step painting of our hay shed.

 First, I roughly drew the details of the picture onto the canvas with a pencil. Then I traced what I'd drawn with some tracing paper (I actually used baking paper) and kept that for reapplying the detail with later, after I'd painted the background.
 I'm just using Acrylic paints and whatever brushes seemed logical at the time.
 Here you can see what I mean by reapplying the detail. I simply used the baking paper with the traced drawing on it.
 I think I used a fan brush here for giving the effect of the fluffy ends of the native Bamboo grass.
Adding shadows...

For the leaves I used a sponge because my old faithful "leaf" brush died.

 For the rust on the roof, I recommend a very dry brush and something between a scrubbing motion and a swipe. Very un-technical, I know, but that's what worked best for me. Same technique for the hay bales.

 Add in the tree in front and the Bamboo grass and it's done! :) I used a very wet brush for the Bamboo grass, and the tree leaves where a mixture of using the sponge again and a small brush for highlighted leaves.

If you squint your eyes and have a great imagination it kind of looks like the original. :)

God bless,
Little Wren xxx

Sparrow - Sketch

Again drawn from a photo.

Rose - Pencil

Step by step drawing of a rose. I drew this from a black and white photo I found on the internet.

Sorry, the lighting in my room changed at this point and the colours have gone a little funny.

Finished! :)
Little Wren xxx